Dad FC | Debut Dads: The First Season of Fatherhood. A Parenting Book for Dads (Paperback)
By Alex Goss
In my bestselling book, I take you through the trials and tribulations of the first season of ‘being a new dad’. When you plan to have a little one, you know that nothing will completely prepare you for fatherhood, but there are definitely some vital tips and tactics to pick up on the way. I kick off the book with pre-season preparations and tackle all the big challenges including sleep (or the lack of it), travel, relationships and bonding with your baby. I like to think I’ve thrown in just the right dose of football anecdotes, and superb illustrations from Congchen bring the whole thing to life. It’s content is concise and helpful for all new dads, not just sports fans. Don’t just take my word for it though… check out the reviews from fellow new dads and the people who bought the book for them!
Kindle version:
Dad FC | Debut Dads: The First Season of Fatherhood: A Parenting Book for Dads (Kindle Edition)
By Alex Goss

In the Kindle version of Debut Dads: The First Season of Fatherhood, Alex brings you all the same great content that’s in the paperback copy, just without some of Congchen’s artwork and Nathalie’s design work. This no-frills approach is perfect for picking up invaluable tips on-the-go.
The Must-Read Book for New Dads
Get your hands on the UK’s #1 Parenting Bestseller (Amazon 2018) and Wishing Shelf Book Awards finalist.
Becoming a dad is life-changing – exciting, overwhelming, and sometimes terrifying. But what if you had a football season-style playbook to guide you through the first year? Debut Dads: The First Season of Fatherhood is packed with game plans, strategies, and survival tips to help you tackle fatherhood head-on.
Created with a child psychologist and a midwife, check out what this dads survival guide covers
- Pre-season prep – getting your home ready before baby arrives
- Match day (birth) – what to expect when it is game time
- 3am Kick-Offs – handling night feeds and sleep deprivation
- Baby vs Food – bottle feeding, weaning, and solid foods explained
- Away Games – travel, prams, and getting out of the house
- The Head Coach (Mum) – stress-free co-parenting tips
- Bonding with Baby – how to connect from day one
- Injury Time – dealing with illnesses and common baby issues
- Winning Fatherhood – because parenting is a marathon, not a sprint
Plus, answers to key questions new dads ask:
- When will I start feeling a bond with my baby?
- How do I survive on no sleep?
- Can dads get postnatal depression?
- How do I know if my baby has colic?
The perfect gift for expectant dads and new fathers. Whether you are a football fan or not, this book makes parenting easier, more fun, and just like football, full of unforgettable moments.
Awards and Recognition
Finalist – Wishing Shelf Book Awards
#1 Bestseller in Parenting, Family Relationships, and Fatherhood (Amazon UK 2018)